About us!

We are a group of both amateur and qualified archaeologists who strive to complete excavations to professional standards. in and around Wolverhampton.  Our most qualified member has a Masters in Landscape Archaeology and is now studying for a PhD in Archaeology.


AiM is a not-for-profit group who enjoy offering people a chance to experience archaeology at our community day digs.  We initiated offering primary schools in Wolverhampton a three-day test pit dig event upon request.   

Our AiMs

  • To provide an opportunity to bring people together who are genuinely interested in archaeology
  • To encourage community participation in archaeology

Our Objectives

  • To work with local partners in our research of archaeological sites
  • To ensure local archaeology is investigated and recorded appropriately
  • To build on the previously recorded history of the local area

What are we up to?

For information about what we've been up to, and our upcoming excavations, why not check out our Excavation Diary?

Alternatively, come along to one of our excavations, even if it’s just to say hi and see what we're up to! We would be happy to explain the site to you, or simply have a chat. You could even give it a go if you'd like!

University of Birmingham ArchSoc

AiM is pleased to offer a collaborative working programme with the University of Birmingham's Archaeology Society, by providing their students with practical fieldwork experience and extra-curricular learning opportunities. Their volunteers frequently help out with our excavations.