
Conclusion so far of AiM’s recent excavation of a rectangular feature at Northycote Farm:


Recent work on AiM’s site at Northycote has proved to be interesting.  The rectangular platform at the edge of a field has indications of once being a building, possibly of a wooden structure, which could have used the cill beam construction technique.


The ‘foundation trench’ AiM discovered ran for 28m along the line of the feature which showed on the LiDAR.  Although the return at the northern end has not yet been proven the return at the southern end has, along with an added surprise of the discovery of what appears to be a later phase at a slightly different angle.  The indications are that the width of the feature was probably 8m.



The site has been confirmed, by Archaeology and Historic Environment Officer, Wolverhampton,  as ‘not previously known and not recorded on any maps’.

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