Area 3 Excavation continued

Yesterday was a busy day on site when 5 new trenches were opened.


Trench 3 was opened along the west wall of the building next to the drainage ditch.  Initial excavations show a single skin of brickwork sitting on a concrete foundation.  Several finds were recovered including a small ceramic electrical conductor and 2 large capping bricks with electrical related wording on them.  This trench was back filled and made safe but will be further excavated.


Trench 4 was established in order to try and ascertain the width of the building which proved to be 6m on the north side..


Trench 5 was opened to try to find a return from the west wall although this did not appear in the trench.  The trench was recorded, back filled, and made safe but will be further extended next time to try to find a possible return from the west wall in Trench 3. 


Trench 6 consisted of a series of test pits along the east wall of the building.


Trench 7 was established at the south side of the building at the south end of Trench 6 to try and find a return running east to west to establish the south side of the building.


When on site next further investigations will take place but due to the significant number of biting insects this has been delayed until the weather is colder and the insects have gone.   Next Sunday we will be excavating at Northycote Farm, Bushbury.


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